All Posts tagged as "Woodworking"

Journal: First Guitar Build

As I often do, I *may* have underestimated how long it would take to see the end of my first guitar build. This is my travel journal to remember the long journey that started in December 2020. I made my own plans for a 7/8 classical guitar with a scale length of 630mm (...)


A Gentle Introduction to Guitar Design

Before setting out to build a guitar, I attempted to understand how to design one. There isn't a monolithic reference book on guitar design, at least none that I could identify. Instead I gathered tips and insights from a variety of sources. This post is my attempt to summarize what I have read so far. Instrument design is a fascinating topic that sits at the confluence of physics, engineering, art and craftsmanship.


A Roubo Workbench Chronicle

If you look backwards and try to understand how you landed where you are, there isn't always a clear-cut path in the jungle of the past. One fine summer day, I reached one of these turning points that seemingly come out of nowhere when I decided to make a guitar.
